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Thursday 21 March 2013

Q5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

For fans of scary thrillers like Se7en we added the enigma and the jumpy flash-forward scenes in an attempt to scare our audience. The enigma was achieved through the use of the mask, the lack of detail for the characters, the reasoning for the location and the unknown locations, eg: the forest and dark room. The mask kept the antagonists face hidden from view to the audience, this makes the viewer want to watch further to see if thy ever find out the true identity. The characters lack of information and back story further develops this as not much is known about our two characters or where they are, there must be a reason and also a story behind the person. This attracts audiences as it gives them a chance to not live their lives but more to be involved in someone else's, to learn about their problems and to lose yours. Both characters are also quite unrelateable to our target audience, one being higher class and the other lower.

Our opening ended on a cliffhanger, by doing thriller conventions like this we have managed to keep the familiarity of a thriller. By this I mean that there is nothing abnormal about our thriller, we have stuck to a certain structure and this means that the audience know what to expect when watching the film. This familiarity is good in all media products as it means that your target audience is wider as people like to watch the same thing over and over again. 

The font we used for the opening of our thriller suited the genre we were trying to portray, this addresses the audiences desire for the thriller they are expecting to watch, simple things like titles and, in the case of real media, DVD covers/posters, help to build the whole movie experience so it is important to get them right as to not distract the audience from the fact that they're watching a thriller, everything needs to flow accordingly, without the audience questioning it.

We targeted our thriller towards a young (teen young adult) slightly more male market, we addressed this by making our thriller verge more over to the horror scary side of thriller, the key demographic of horrors is younger and male so this helps our thriller a lot. We accomplished this by having the flash forwards to scare the viewer and the enigmatic antagonist as a way of making our thriller seem possible, like in se7en, unlike films like alien where is just made up.

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